Dr Ibrahim Abraham

BA Hons, LLB, MA (Monash), PhD (Bristol)
Honorary Senior Lecturer
ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences

Areas of expertise

  • Sociology 1608
  • Cultural Studies 4702
  • Religion And Religious Studies 2204

Research interests

Sociology of religion

Sociology of culture


After receiving my PhD in sociology from the University of Bristol in 2012, I worked at La Trobe University's Centre for Dialogue before joining the University of Helsinki as a research fellow from 2013-2018. From 2018-2022 I was the Hans Mol Research Fellow in Religion and the Social Sciences, based in the ANU's Humanities Research Centre where I also convened the Herbert & Valmae Freilich Project for the Study of Bigotry from June 2019 to September 2020

In early 2023 I joined Federation University Australia as a Lecturer in Sociology. I remain affiliated with the ANU as an Honorary Senior Lecturer in the Humanities Research Centre.

My expertise lies in the sociological study of contemporary religion and culture, as well as qualitative research methods and ethics. My research has abidingly focused on the role of religion in nominally secular social spheres, in Australia and overseas, the focus of my books Evangelical Youth Culture: Alternative Music and Extreme Sports Subcultures (Bloomsbury, 2017), Christian Punk: Identity and Performance (Bloomsbury, 2020), and Race, Class and Christianity in South Africa: Middle-Class Moralities (Routledge 2021).

More thorough lists of my publications (including those before I joined ANU) are available from the links at the bottom of this page, especially my Researchgate page.


Projects and Grants

Grants information is drawn from ARIES. To add or update Projects or Grants information please contact your College Research Office.

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Updated:  08 September 2024 / Responsible Officer:  Director (Research Services Division) / Page Contact:  Researchers